Blog for Fonio Acha News

Fonio Blogger for 2025

Hungry Rice Blogs

Fonio Acha news

Does fonio have gluten - Answer: No!
Does fonio have lectins - Answer: No!
Does fonio have starch - Answer: No!
Does whole foods carry fonio - Answer: Yes!
Does whole foods sell fonio - Answer: Yes!

Fonio and diabetes? Acha fonio is the best food for diabetes people. Give it a try and see for yourself. This blog is here to enlightening you on our truth.

Whether fonio acha grain or chatasenisa banana or the herbal knowledge which is in our DNA.

We (human beings) just need to tap into that energy. Even if you changed your health or your families alone, that is a revolutionary thing, keep researching and learning our truth.

Fonio seeds for planting
Fonio plantation
Fonio seeds for plantation.

Fonio farmers or farming
Fonio farmers
Fonio farmers on the field.

Fonio seeds for planting
Fonio old processing equipment
Fonio old processing equipment.

Women Pounding Fonio
Women pounding fonio
Women pounding acha.

Fonio sief
Fonio sief
Fonio sief.

Fonio Nature
Fonio nature
Fonio natural.

Farine de fonio in powder
Farine de fonio in powder
Farine de fonio in powder.

Fonio on the Shelf
Fonio on the Shelf
Fonio on the shelf.

Fonio food ready
Fonio food ready
Fonio food ready.